
If you have any concerns about the use of snares, anywhere in the UK, you can share them with us on the SnareWatch website.

You can tell us if your pet was caught in a snare, report findings of animals trapped in snares, raise concerns about possible illegal misuse of snares or simply let us know if you’re worried about snares you have seen in a particular area.

Latest snare reports See all reports

"Found a snare" snippets

  • Found a snare?

    If there is a live animal in the snare call the relevant animal welfare charity. We do not advise trying to release an animal yourself as the animal could be injured and require medical attention.
    Record the incident using our SnareWatch report form. Any photos or video footage submitted to OneKind will be used in our campaign to ban snares.

  • Scotland

    Scottish SPCA
    Animal Helpline
    03000 999999

  • England and Wales

    Cruelty Line
    0300 1234 999

  • Northern Ireland

    Animal Information Line
    028 3025 1000

    Caller ID required